In Clinic Naturopathic Tests will Assist us in Understanding Insights of Every Individual Case
Live Blood Evaluation – A droplet of blood is extracted from your finger and observed under a microscope. Evaluations may indicate inflammation, digestive dysfunction, oxidative stress and nutritional deficiencies.

Urine Metal Testing – A urine sample will be analysed for traces of Mercury, Lead, Copper and Cadmium, which may be pathogenic at high levels.
Zinc Tally Test – A quick in clinic oral test gives an indicator of zinc status.
Blood Pressure and Pulse Reading – Raised or lowered blood pressure may give insight into arterial and adrenal function as well as stress levels.
Urinary pH Testing – A simple dipstick test gives an indicator as to how well your body is clearing acid through your urine.

Urinalysis – With this dipstick test, 10 metabolites may be detected in the urine, indicating levels of health or the possibility of further testing. This includes parameters such as glucose, blood, protein, bilirubin and more.
Iridology – An observation of the iris, pupil and sclera may indicate areas of inflammation and oxidative stress within the body. Organs or areas of genetic weakness may also be highlighted.